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Author Topic: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot  (Read 79641 times)

Offline magictrade

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Re: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2018, 07:46:15 PM »
i really like to the a other way of trailling sell/buy, too.......

maybe the stop gets automatical closer, if the price gets higher.......
becouse the risk, that the price go down is higher.....

and i really like a possibility, to set prices (or %) for stop-loss and a min. sell- value....

becouse i use GB to trade telegram-signals....

and you often get prices and not %.

i have write a little calculator via excel, but it is much of work to calculate the %, if you use GB to buy, too for the telegram-signals....

so a feature, like a min.-sell price is very helpfull, becouse this is the price, under that GB dont sell and above this GB use the strategy, to get an better price (;

it make to sense for the normal usage of GB, but so GB is more flexible and you can use it, to support you own trading by signals or analysis.

and a direct.-buy-price would be very nice, too.... that mean, this is the price for that GB buy direct, otherwise GB tray to get an lower price..... that is very helpfull for trading via signals, too.....

i like to combinate the free telegram signals and GB, becouse till know, it work better for me, like only GB (;

and a feature, like the markettrender would be amazing or a auto-switch for the config, so that GB look for the upper trend (in a bigger timeframe) and use that for changing the config for bearish or bullish.

and a error-notification via email or telegram would be very, very helpfull, becouse GB often stop the work, becouse of errors and i dont see it and so i missed trades and so on.....
or for example, one pair on bittrex dont work and GB start new and ignore the pairs, after this pair..... it would be great, if GB simply skip this pair and send an notification.

with every version GB is getting greater and greater (:
iam exicedly about the new version (:

Offline magictrade

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Re: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot
« Reply #41 on: February 22, 2018, 06:59:10 PM »
and it would be very nice, if you can choose/import the config with oder names (in the GUI)......

and/or if the settings get saved in the configfile....

becouse i have two configfiles (bearish, bullish) and to import they in the GUI, i have to change the name, import and rename......

Offline magictrade

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Re: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2018, 04:04:53 PM »
if that possible, a kind of "pump & dump" protection where very nice.......

for example, if the coin goes to high, in a to short time, than better wait with buying.....

but the pump cann use for make big gains, becouse of selling on the top (;
but a rebuy will end in a bag ):

maybe it is possible, to check, how far away the price is, from the MA.......
if the price is to fast, to high above the MA, then it is maybe a risk to buy, becouse it is possible, that the price will dump soon....
so GB can wait....

of course it is better, to dont trade this pairs, but there is no list wich pairs are typical "pump & dump" pairs ????

Offline magictrade

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Re: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot
« Reply #43 on: March 12, 2018, 10:14:27 PM »
auto buy BNB feature !

i like to suggest, that GB should auto buy new BNB (for fee) on binance, if the BNB amount is to low......

something like that:

if BNB under X buy Y new BNB

Offline traderch2000

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Re: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2018, 07:55:37 PM »
Can we have a filter like RSI and stochastic for EMA

that way the bot only trades when the 50 EMA is above the 100 EMA ??

Offline traderch2000

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Re: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2018, 08:12:11 PM »
+1 for adding MACD indicator.

I'd like my bot to only buy when MACD is positive, as I have found the inbuilt strategies work well when a trend is positive (i.e. the sell price is usually higher than the buy price soon after buying), but perform poorly when the price is slipping (often simply due to the base currency is increasing in value).

Looking forward to Gunbot v9 !  ;D

I love this idea too  :) :)

Offline pwaggs

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Re: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot
« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2018, 06:20:01 PM »
auto buy BNB feature !

i like to suggest, that GB should auto buy new BNB (for fee) on binance, if the BNB amount is to low......

something like that:

if BNB under X buy Y new BNB


Offline busera

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Re: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot
« Reply #47 on: January 16, 2019, 04:13:56 PM »
I am heavy TradingView (TV) user therefore I have some ideas/feature requests for the TradingView add-on:

- Implement Telegram order confirmation also for orders triggered by TV alerts (Telegram Order Timeout) --> BTW: I thought that this would already be in place :-(
- Allow TV alerts to place buy orders based on percentage, e.g. 3% of base currencies, instead of a total amount, example: "BUY_BINANCE_BTC-ADA_3P"
- Allow TV alerts to place sell orders using percentage value, e.g. 50% of coin, to allow target-based selling (T1, T2, ...), example: "SELL_BINANCE_BTC-ADA_50P"
- Combine TV alerts with GunBot confirmation indicators, example:
     -- TV alert is coming in and GunBot verifies if the additional defined (confirmation) indicators are also met, prior to place the order. Reason: in TV you cannot combine indicators or conditions for alerts, therefore a workaround in GB would be nice, at least for basic confirmation checks.

AND, please consider add-on / module similar to the PT ProfitTracker --> this is just a very helpful dashboard/overview (see attachment).

PS: Screenshot from product side.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 11:21:59 PM by Gunthar »

Offline busera

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Re: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot
« Reply #48 on: January 16, 2019, 04:21:10 PM »
I am heavy TradingView (TV) user therefore I have some ideas/feature requests for the TradingView add-on:

- Implement Telegram order confirmation also for orders triggered by TV alerts (Telegram Order Timeout) --> BTW: I thought that this would already be in place :-(
- Allow TV alerts to place buy orders based on percentage, e.g. 3% of base currencies, instead of a total amount, example: "BUY_BINANCE_BTC-ADA_3P"
- Allow TV alerts to place sell orders using percentage value, e.g. 50% of coin, to allow target-based selling (T1, T2, ...), example: "SELL_BINANCE_BTC-ADA_50P"
- Combine TV alerts with GunBot confirmation indicators, example:
     -- TV alert is coming in and GunBot verifies if the additional defined (confirmation) indicators are also met, prior to place the order. Reason: in TV you cannot combine indicators or conditions for alerts, therefore a workaround in GB would be nice, at least for basic confirmation checks.


Please consider an add-on / module similar to the PT ProfitTracker --> this is just a very helpful dashboard/overview (see attachment).

PS: Screenshot from product side.


Offline Gunthar

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Re: Constructive ideas for TA use in Gunbot - Variable DU-BUYDOWN values
« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2019, 11:21:03 PM »
In order to possibly handle dumps more "efficiently", I would have liked the current constant DU_BUYDOWN percentage to become a formula or series:

For instance, proposing that you should have 4 modes of DU_BUYDOWN

CONSTANT:  As currently implemented, ie DU_BUYDOWN=constant

FIBONACCI:  Using the Fibonacci series for the DU_BUYDOWN(n)=DU_BUYDOWN(n-1)+DU_BUYDOWN(n-2), it should result in the following series

QUADRATIC:  Using the formula for DU_BUYDOWN(n)=a*n^2+b*n+c, with n the number of time you have bought down and a, b and c user selectable constants.  For example if a=1, b=0, c=1 it will provide for the following DU_BUYDOWN(n) series:

as a special case of this QUADRATIC mode will result in a linear solution when a=0, for instance when selecting a=0, b=1, c=1:

EXPONENTIAL:  Using the formula of DU_BUYDOWN(n)=a*b^(n-c), with n the number of time you have bought down and a, b and c user selectable constants.  For example if a=1, b=2, c=1 it will provide for the following DU_BUYDOWN(n) series:

These last two provide for a lot of flexibility (some might argue too much) and should accommodate most if not all styles.

The advantage you (might) have using the non-contant DU-BUYDOWN values is that when dumps are occurring, you (might) have some funding left over to purchase the double ups when reaching the bottom.

This is a good case imo, fibonacci are already in gunbot I will implement this in v13. I will also make a dedicated strategy with fibonacci, thinking about buy at each retracement up and selling at each retracement down, giving the user the option to select what % of capital to sell at each retracement line.