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Messages - beer-k0in

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Great tool but any news about making support for Bittrex & Kraken also?

Sorry, there is no estimated time right now. I will update this generator in the next 4 weeks and than it will probably support Bittrex & Kraken. But no guaranties. :-\

gmon - A command line application to monitor your Gunbot


🚨 gmon 1.x will only work with Gunbot v9! 🚨

- gmon works best on Unix based systems (Linux and OSX)
- gmon requires Gunbot v9, Node.js 6 or higher and npm
- gmon uses up to 100MB memory
- you should not use gmon if your server has less than 230MB available free memory
- you need a wide window / screen
- gmon and it's creator are not responsible/liable for wrong numbers or wrong calculations
- use at own risk

Installation - Linux, OSX, Windows

You need to install Gunbot-Monitor on the same machine as Gunbot.

This is a Node.js command line app available through the npm registry.

Before installing, download and install Node.js.
Node.js 6.11.2 or higher is required.

Installation is done using the "npm install -g" command:

Code: [Select]
npm install -g gunbot-monitor


Use npm to update:

Code: [Select]
npm uninstall -g gunbot-monitor && npm install -g gunbot-monitor


To start gmon, go to the folder your Gunbot is installed (`cd /path/to/gunbot`) and run this command:

Code: [Select]
gmon [options]


Code: [Select]
    -h, --help                               Output usage information
    -v, --version                            Output the version number
    -p, --path <path>                        Path to the GUNBOT folder. Separate multiple paths with ":" (like: -p /path1:/path2). [Default: current folder]
    -N, --path-name <name>                   Optional name for each path to the GUNBOT folder(s). Separate multiple path names with ":" (like: -N Kraken_Bot:Proxy_Mega_Bot). [Default: No path name]
    -c, --compact [groupSize]                Do not draw row lines. Optional set the number of rows after which a line is drawn. [Default: 0]
    -s, --small                              Reduce columns for small screens
    -d, --digits <digits>                    Amount of digits for all numbers. Min = 0, max = 10. [Default: 4]
    -r, --refresh <seconds>                  Seconds between table refresh. Min = 1, max = 600. [Default: 60]
    -m, --markets <markets>                  Filter of markets to show. Separate multiple markets with ":" (like: -m poloniex:kraken) [Default: all]
    -P, --profit                             Use to activate the parsing of the profit. NOT WORKING CORRECTLY!
    -H, --hide-inactive <hours>              Hides trading pairs which last log entry is older than given hours. Min = 1, max = 854400. [Default: 720]
    -C, --connections-check-delay <seconds>  Seconds between netstats checks. Higher numbers result in more inaccurate statistics but reduce cpu usage. Min = 1, max = 600. [Default: 1]

Path option "-p"

To run gmon outside of your Gunbot folder, use the `-p` option to specify the path where Gunbot is installed:

Code: [Select]
gmon -p /path/to/gunbot
If you have multiple Gunbots running, you can use the `-p` option to specify all paths to your Gunbots:

Code: [Select]
gmon -p /path/to/AAA_bot:/path/to/BBB_bot

Path name option "-N"

When using `-p` option you can set names for your different Gunbots:

Code: [Select]
gmon -N Kraken-Bot-tssl:Bittrex-emo

Compact mode "-c"

With this option, gmon will not draw row lines to separate the rows:

Code: [Select]
gmon -c
Optional set the number of rows after which a line should be drawn to have a little visual guide:

Code: [Select]
gmon -c 4

Small mode "-s"

With this option, gmon will not draw the columns *OO?*, *# Coins*, *1 6 h d +* to support smaller screens:

Code: [Select]
gmon -s

Digits option "-d"

When using `-d` option you can set the number of displayed digits. Set to a lower number on small screens:

Code: [Select]
gmon -d 3

Refresh option "-r"

This option allows you to set the time in seconds how long gmon waits until it checks all values again.

⚡️ Please check your server when setting `-r` to low numbers! ⚡️ Faster updates mean more work for your server.

Code: [Select]
gmon -r 90

Market filter "-m"

With option `-m` you are able to define specific markets you want to see in the output:

Code: [Select]
gmon -m kraken:bitfinex # This will only show pairs on those exchanges

Profit option "-P"

Now working at the moment.

Hide inactive pairs "-H"

gmon will show all trading pairs inside a folder, as long as there is a `state.json` file. If you disable a pair you can set this option `-H` to hide inactive trading pairs when there last update is older than the set number.

Code: [Select]
gmon -H 2

Connections check delay "-C"

Set the time interval in seconds how often the number of open connections to the exchanges should be checked. Higher numbers result in more inaccurate statistics but reduce cpu usage.

Code: [Select]
gmon -C 10

How to read gmon's output

**Name**Market name and trading pair name
**Str**Buy and sell strategy
**LL**Last Log - seconds since the last log update of this trading pair 
**OO?**Open Order? - says "yes" if there is an open order on the market
**# Coins**Amount of coins of the quote currency
**in BTC**Value of the quote currency in BTC (or other base currency)
**Diff since buy**Indicator how much the value of the holding quote currency has changed in BTC (or other base currency)
**Buy/Bought**If numbers are white: Price which needs to be reached till the bot will buy quote currency (if **# Coins** == 0)
If numbers are yellow: Price the bot paid to buy the quote currency"
**Sell**Price which needs to be reached till the bot will sell the holding quote currency (if **# Coins** > 0)
**Last Price**Current market price for the quote currency
**Price diff**Difference between Last Price and the Buy/Bought if waiting to buy
or difference between Last Price and the Sell if waiting to sell.
If something is not correct (the log does not contain all needed prices) it shows an error hint
**# Buys**Number of total buys - How often did the bot buy this quote currency and time since the last buy
**1 6 h d +**Number of buys in the last 1 hour / 6 hours / 12 hours / 24 hours / more than 24 hours.
**# Sells**Number of total sells - How often did the bot sell this quote currency and time since the last sell
**1 6 h d +**Number of sells in the last 1 hour / 6 hours / 12 hours / 24 hours / more than 24 hours

Windows issues

Do yourself a favor and use a console emulator like cmder.



Thanks to your feedback so for and thanks to
for contributing!

Support & Tips

You like gmon and it helps you earning money?

- Report bugs in this forum thread or via the Telegram group
- Support gmon and send a tip to BTC wallet: 1GJCGZPn6okFefrRjPPWU73XgMrctSW1jT


Technical Support & Development / Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« on: May 23, 2017, 11:17:29 PM »
Buying and Poloniex error 422 result in less log output
(gunthy-linuxx64 binary from the GUNBOT_v3.2_GUI_edition_all_CPU on ubuntu 16.04.)

Bot wants to buy, but the buy request results in a 422

Code: [Select]
2017/05/23 13:35:14 [ --2017/05/23 13:35:14--poloniex--BTC_MAID  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #797 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:35:14 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:35:17 LP 0.0001765  Bal.BTC 0.30091175  Bal.MAID 0(0)
2017/05/23 13:35:17 No open orders
2017/05/23 13:35:17 boughtPrice 0.00016775
2017/05/23 13:35:17 price  falls (-3)
2017/05/23 13:35:17 PriceToBuy,1.7716,priceToSell,1.7614
2017/05/23 13:35:17 LP 1.7650000,<=,prBuy 1.7715878  secMargin 0.0000708635135333334  grows yes
2017/05/23 13:35:17 no altcoins: 0
2017/05/23 13:35:17 price to buy: 0.00017715878383333349
2017/05/23 13:35:17 price is sweet to buy
2017/05/23 13:35:17 price is growing
2017/05/23 13:35:17 Buying on poloniex 311.61523087818694 of MAID for 0.0001765
2017/05/23 13:35:21 2017/05/23 13:35:21 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/23 13:35:21 !!! Cycle 798 failed. Will repeat in 66s

Next cycle is also a 422

Code: [Select]
2017/05/23 13:36:27 [ --2017/05/23 13:36:27--poloniex--BTC_MAID  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #798 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:36:27 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:36:31 2017/05/23 13:36:31 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/23 13:36:31 !!! Cycle 799 failed. Will repeat in 66s

Since that, the log looks like this. I do not know if the bot is just skipping output or is in an bad state. But there where no trades after cycle 799.
Restart helps.

Code: [Select]
2017/05/23 13:37:37 [ --2017/05/23 13:37:37--poloniex--BTC_MAID  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #799 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:37:37 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:37:43 LP 0.00017681  Bal.BTC 0.30091175  Bal.MAID 0(0)
2017/05/23 13:37:43 No open orders
2017/05/23 13:37:43 boughtPrice 0.00016775
2017/05/23 13:37:43 price  falls (-3)
2017/05/23 13:37:43 PriceToBuy,1.7715,priceToSell,1.7614
2017/05/23 13:37:43 Gunbot callback at 2017/05/23 13:37:43 cycle # 799
2017/05/23 13:37:43 Callback:
2017/05/23 13:37:43 ---------
2017/05/23 13:37:43 Waiting for orders: 0 MAID
2017/05/23 13:37:43 next delay will be 55.5s

Same with BB:

Code: [Select]
2017/05/23 13:27:08 [ --2017/05/23 13:27:08--poloniex--BTC_ZEC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #514 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:27:08 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:27:09 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:27:09 Low BB:0.09739015 - High BB:0.13685431
2017/05/23 13:27:09 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:27:11 LP 0.107  Bal.BTC 0.67201412  Bal.ZEC 0(0)
2017/05/23 13:27:11 No open orders
2017/05/23 13:27:11 boughtPrice 0.09772085
2017/05/23 13:27:11 price  falls (-7)
2017/05/23 13:27:11 PriceToBuy,1076.5083,priceToSell,1026.0689
2017/05/23 13:27:11 LP 1070.0000000,<=,prBuy 1076.5083000  secMargin 0.04306033333639771  grows yes
2017/05/23 13:27:11 no altcoins: 0
2017/05/23 13:27:11 price to buy: 0.10765083334099426
2017/05/23 13:27:11 price is sweet to buy
2017/05/23 13:27:11 price is growing
2017/05/23 13:27:11 Buying on poloniex 0.514518691588785 of ZEC for 0.107

2017/05/23 13:28:22 2017/05/23 13:28:22 Error: Order execution timed out.
2017/05/23 13:28:22 !!! Cycle 515 failed. Will repeat in 66s

2017/05/23 13:29:28 [ --2017/05/23 13:29:28--poloniex--BTC_ZEC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #515 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:29:28 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:29:28 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:29:28 Low BB:0.09756363 - High BB:0.13676145
2017/05/23 13:29:28 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:29:36 2017/05/23 13:29:36 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/23 13:29:36 !!! Cycle 516 failed. Will repeat in 66s

2017/05/23 13:30:42 [ --2017/05/23 13:30:42--poloniex--BTC_ZEC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #516 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:30:42 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:30:42 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:30:42 Low BB:0.09756363 - High BB:0.13676145
2017/05/23 13:30:42 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:30:47 2017/05/23 13:30:47 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/23 13:30:47 !!! Cycle 517 failed. Will repeat in 66s

2017/05/23 13:31:53 [ --2017/05/23 13:31:53--poloniex--BTC_ZEC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #517 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:31:53 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:31:53 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:31:53 Low BB:0.09756363 - High BB:0.13676145
2017/05/23 13:31:53 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:31:58 2017/05/23 13:31:58 Error: statusCode 422
2017/05/23 13:31:58 !!! Cycle 518 failed. Will repeat in 66s

2017/05/23 13:33:04 [ --2017/05/23 13:33:04--poloniex--BTC_ZEC  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #518 --------------- ]
2017/05/23 13:33:04 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/23 13:33:04 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:33:04 Low BB:0.09756363 - High BB:0.13676145
2017/05/23 13:33:04 ***************************************************
2017/05/23 13:33:08 LP 0.10780009  Bal.BTC 0.67201412  Bal.ZEC 0(0)
2017/05/23 13:33:08 No open orders
2017/05/23 13:33:08 boughtPrice 0.09772085
2017/05/23 13:33:08 price  falls (-7)
2017/05/23 13:33:08 PriceToBuy,1077.5506,priceToSell,1026.0689
2017/05/23 13:33:08 Gunbot callback at 2017/05/23 13:33:08 cycle # 518
2017/05/23 13:33:08 Callback:
2017/05/23 13:33:08 ---------
2017/05/23 13:33:08 Waiting for orders: 0 ZEC
2017/05/23 13:33:08 next delay will be 111s


Code: [Select]
pm2 start ./gunthy-linuxx64 --name BTC_DASH -- BTC_DASH poloniex
hope that was the correct way... now all seems ok again...

That's exactly how the generator starts the gunbot. So, yes, that's absolutely the correct way!. 8)

I have 1 GB somehow the CPU went nuts but now i have 10 pairs and its working fine with 222 delay. (770Mb used of ram)
Strange... What VPS service do you use?
For less than 10 bots a delay of 100 should be no problem.

but I was getting this error
Hm, somehow the rights to write to the ALLPAIRS file have changed. Thank you for all your input. Will help to make the generator better!


so just had thebad idea of adding a new pair... MY VPS went nuts on CPU power and crashed :(

Are you sure the CPU caused the problem?

General info
You need more than 130MB free memory to start a bot. So I guess you have 512MB RAM in your VPS. 6 bots are to much, I recommend 3-4.

any help?

Solution A
Start only one trade pair:
Code: [Select]
gstart BTC_BTS
It should start. Wait 2-3 min and check the available memory:
Code: [Select]
free -m(last column "available")

Check how much memory this trade pair uses via 'gl'.
If it is below 100MB and your available memory is above 130MB, start the next trade pair.

Solution B
Remove all processes from pm2:
Code: [Select]
pm2 delete all
Run 'ginit' again but in the last step, select only 2 or 3 trade pairs.
If they start, check your free memory and if you have more than 130MB, run 'ginit' again and select one pair more. The already started pairs should not be affected by that. (it should work, but I have not tested that case)


First of all: Great job mate!
Second: how can we add more pairs after the initial setup?
Third: please release that update you posted a screenshot above, looks awesome :D
1. Thx. :)
2. 'gadd' - but it will use the settings you choose in 'ginit'
3. soon. :)

What is "Watching disabled"?    And can it be enabled? If so how?
"PM2 can automatically restart your application when a file is modified in the current directory or its subdirectories"

"can it be enabled?": Sure, you are free to do what ever you want on your server.
"how?": Follow the instructions at


I'm trying to increase the buy limit without doing the install all over again, but it's not working. I've tried running ginit again and setting the buy limit higher while keeping everything the same, but it still trades with the old limit.
Works for me. I did run 'ginit' again and changed the trading value and all buys after that change using the new value. Do you have any settings in the poloniex-BTC-XXX-config.js (I do not, all is in ALLPAIRS)?

Could be this:
'ginit' does not restart already running bots AND GUNBOT 3.2 does not hot reload config changes in ALLPAIRS AND the generator only modifies ALLPAIRS.

So the quick solution is:
Code: [Select]
gstop all

It is not perfect, I know. I'm busy with the monitor right now, but will come back to the generator and improve it. Thanks for all the use cases! :)


Yeah, it stops the pairs fine, just won't start again. Says process x isn't found. I've tried starting it with BTC_XXX and with the process id

You can try this, but i guess it will not work:
Code: [Select]
pm2 restart BTC_DASH
If it is not working, remove the process from pm2 and add it again:
Code: [Select]
pm2 delete BTC_DASH
pm2 start ./gunthy-linuxx64 --name BTC_DASH -- BTC_DASH poloniex

It will get a new id that way.

I'm trying to increase the buy limit without doing the install all over again, but it's not working. I've tried running ginit again and setting the buy limit higher while keeping everything the same, but it still trades with the old limit.
Works for me. I did run 'ginit' again and changed the trading value and all buys after that change using the new value. Do you have any settings in the poloniex-BTC-XXX-config.js (I do not, all is in ALLPAIRS)?


Could it also create a swap virtual RAM, so you could run 50 pairs on a 5$ Setup, instead of just 5.
Not sure about the performance. I would go the easy way and just order a VPS with lots of RAM. Take a look here: and
$7 for 6GB RAM is better than swap virtual RAM I think. :)

I do have a problem though, I'm trying to increase the buy limit without doing the install all over again, but it's not working. I've tried running ginit again and setting the buy limit higher while keeping everything the same, but it still trades with the old limit. I've also tried editing the config files directly, but still no change. I figured it wasn't reloading the configs so I tried to restart the pairs buy using gstop and gstart, but then I run into another problem where I can't start the pair after I stop it..
Hm, 'ginit' should work... I try it my self. I'll come back to you later.
If you enter 'gl', do you see stopped bots? Try
Code: [Select]
gstart BTC_XXX
Does this mean the installer does not include the latest fix yet?

I was thinking to update the installer script myself using only the latest release just to be sure...
I just updated the install and update script. It installs the latest binary files from the GUI version now. Check this post for the update instructions:

I checked my CPU again and sure enough, it quieted down a lot.  it's between 1-2%


Hi cw,

I'm extremely impressed by your startup script.

wow, thanks. :) I'm really glad you like it.
I'm planing to change a few settings and extend the process of adding new pairs and just restarting some / all bots. Since I'm using GUNBOT a little longer now, my requirements have changed a bit since my first steps. :) 

Lack of output

Actually I'm also missing output in this setup. pm2 is a really solid process manager, but having 16 trade pairs running, "pm2 monit" (all logs of all processes in one window without colors) is not useful at all. :D
Your setup with all the log screen is too much for my current needs - too much information for my slow brain. ;) So I'm building a monitor to show all information in on screen in one table. It is not ready to give it away yet (it does not collect all errors and some price infos are still ignored), but here is a sneak peek ;) I hope to finish it next week.

CPU load

Can you please check again? I'm running the same droplet (2GB) with 16 pairs and my load is at 2% (Stepgain) to 4% (BB).


What is the preferred way to handle bots stuck in waiting orders?
GUNBOT v3.2 Patch 2022

My STRAT bot has placed a buy order in the moment the price went up again. The buy order is still in Poloniex and the bot is waiting.

Log of buying event:

Code: [Select]
2017/05/19 00:59:18 [ --2017/05/19 00:59:18--poloniex--BTC_STRAT  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #43 --------------- ]
2017/05/19 00:59:18 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/19 00:59:18 ***************************************************
2017/05/19 00:59:18 Low BB:0.00073482 - High BB:0.00076516
2017/05/19 00:59:18 ***************************************************
2017/05/19 00:59:19 LP 0.00072208  Bal.BTC 0.13207573  Bal.STRAT 0(0)
2017/05/19 00:59:19 No open orders
2017/05/19 00:59:19 boughtPrice 0.00070175
2017/05/19 00:59:19 price  falls (-1)
2017/05/19 00:59:19 PriceToBuy,7.2749,priceToSell,7.3684
2017/05/19 00:59:19 LP 7.2208000,<=,prBuy 7.2748799  secMargin 0.0002909951961904762  grows yes
2017/05/19 00:59:19 no altcoins: 0
2017/05/19 00:59:19 price to buy: 0.0007274879904761904
2017/05/19 00:59:19 price is sweet to buy
2017/05/19 00:59:19 price is growing
2017/05/19 00:59:19 Buying on poloniex 55.396024041657434 of STRAT for 0.00072208
2017/05/19 00:59:21
2017/05/19 00:59:21 *** MARKET CALLBACK | buy 55.396024041657434 STRAT for 0.00072208 BTC
2017/05/19 00:59:21 Gunbot callback at 2017/05/19 00:59:21 cycle # 43
2017/05/19 00:59:21 Callback:
2017/05/19 00:59:21 ---------
2017/05/19 00:59:21 buy 55.396024041657434 STRAT for 0.00072208 BTC
2017/05/19 00:59:21 next delay will be 111s

The output for the next hours is "Waiting for orders: 0 STRAT":

Code: [Select]
2017/05/19 01:01:12 [ --2017/05/19 01:01:12--poloniex--BTC_STRAT  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #44 --------------- ]
2017/05/19 01:01:12 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/19 01:01:12 ***************************************************
2017/05/19 01:01:12 Low BB:0.00073210 - High BB:0.00076657
2017/05/19 01:01:12 ***************************************************
2017/05/19 01:01:16 LP 0.00072772  Bal.BTC 0.09207537  Bal.STRAT 0(0)
2017/05/19 01:01:16 Open orders
2017/05/19 01:01:16 boughtPrice 0.00072208
2017/05/19 01:01:16 price  steady (0)
2017/05/19 01:01:16 PriceToBuy,7.2686,priceToSell,7.5818
2017/05/19 01:01:16 Gunbot callback at 2017/05/19 01:01:16 cycle # 44
2017/05/19 01:01:16 Callback:
2017/05/19 01:01:16 ---------
2017/05/19 01:01:16 Waiting for orders: 0 STRAT
2017/05/19 01:01:16 next delay will be 111s

6 hours later it looks like the bot want's to cancel the buy order "--canceling buy orders". But it did not work, the order is still in Poloniex:

Code: [Select]
2017/05/19 07:11:43 [ --2017/05/19 07:11:43--poloniex--BTC_STRAT  --  Gunbot v3.2 cycle #241 --------------- ]
2017/05/19 07:11:43 ::::: collecting market data...
2017/05/19 07:11:43 ***************************************************
2017/05/19 07:11:43 Low BB:0.00072023 - High BB:0.00080285
2017/05/19 07:11:43 ***************************************************
2017/05/19 07:11:45 --canceling buy orders
2017/05/19 07:11:45 LP 0.000795  Bal.BTC 0.13971585  Bal.STRAT 0(0)
2017/05/19 07:11:45 Open orders
2017/05/19 07:11:45 boughtPrice 0.00072208
2017/05/19 07:11:45 price  grows (4)
2017/05/19 07:11:45 PriceToBuy,7.3869,priceToSell,7.5818
2017/05/19 07:11:45 Gunbot callback at 2017/05/19 07:11:45 cycle # 241
2017/05/19 07:11:45 Callback:
2017/05/19 07:11:45 ---------
2017/05/19 07:11:45 Waiting for orders: 0 STRAT
2017/05/19 07:11:45 next delay will be 111s
2017/05/19 07:11:45 Open buy orders: ,0
2017/05/19 07:11:45

So till now the bot is waiting.

What is the recommended way to handle this? :)

1) Restart the bot and have CANCEL_BUY_ORDERS_ON_START: false
2) Restart the bot and have CANCEL_BUY_ORDERS_ON_START: true
3) Let the bot run and cancel the order manually at Poloniex
4) Stop the bot, cancel the order manually, start the bot
5) Something completely different  :D

How can I update to the new version from repo without messing things up?

1. Login to your server.
2. Run this update script
Code: [Select]
curl -qsL | bash --3. Run again
Code: [Select]
ginit4. Press ENTER for every question (it will use your last settings)
5. Press ENTER on the conflict of ALLPAIRS (*)
6. Wait till all bots are started.
7. [optional] If you have changed some configs manually, please copy them from the backup folder back into the gunbot folder:
Code: [Select]
cp /opt/gunbot-backup-<NUMBER>/poloniex-BTC_XXX-config.js /opt/gunbot/

Check with 'gl' if all bots are startet. If not, run this:
Code: [Select]
gstart BTC_XXX--------

(*)The conflict is because the default settings have changed a bit and it is very likely you see this question:
Code: [Select]
conflict ALLPAIRS-params.js
? Overwrite ALLPAIRS-params.js? (Ynaxdh)


Could be an old version of the generator. Please check the version with
Code: [Select]
npm -g list generator-gunbot
If it is not generator-gunbot@0.1.8 please run
Code: [Select]
npm -g install generator-gunbot
and try again.

It's quite lovely! Especially the interface to add coins. Thank you.
Thanks. :) I plan to extend the 'gadd' interface to be able to change the strategy and strategy settings for each trade pair you want to add.

It was relatively painless, but I had to restart the script a bit. The first time it didn't get all the dependencies and my apt-get got itself stuck, and I also had this "1" error. I rebooted the VPS and ran the script again and it went smoothly then. I am running AWS t2.micro so perhaps the initial configuration is a tad different than your provider.
Interesting. I will try AWS later this week. Thanks for your feedback!


ERROR! - There was an error starting GUNBOT for BTC_EXP:

I have this error everytime I want to run it. Any Idea?

1. How many trade pairs are you going to start?
2. If you enter "gl", is there an empty list or is BTC_EXP in the list, but stopped?
3. Is there a log file for BTC_EXP? (enter "tail -n 30 /opt/gunbot/poloniex-BTC_EXP-log.txt" to see the last 30 lines, if it exists)
4. Is there a config file for BTC_EXP? (enter "ll /opt/gunbot/*BTC_EXP*" to see all files for that pair)

Technical Support & Development / Re: Bugs/Issues tracker v3.2
« on: May 15, 2017, 12:58:17 PM »
I still get quadruple buys on "patch 2020"!

Same here, except it's triple buys:


2017/05/15 02:34:16 *** MARKET CALLBACK | buy 216.2167162162162 MAID for 0.000185 BTC
2017/05/15 02:38:34 *** MARKET CALLBACK | buy 216.20502948489272 MAID for 0.00018501 BTC
2017/05/15 02:40:17 *** MARKET CALLBACK | buy 216.08823161903732 MAID for 0.00018511 BTC


Unsure of how to detach from the bot and do not want to accidentally close PuTTY and lose myself BTC
For example:
After I have typed "glog BTC-XRP" and it shows me the real time logs but how do I leave one log to check a different log.
I understand your concerns, but do not worry. The bot is running on your server and if you close putty, all you do is close your connection to the server, but not the server itself. It is like having your PC running and turning of your monitor - the PC still run's but you do not see it. :)
1. If you close putty, just start it again.
2. To get out of "glog BTC_XRP" press CTRL+C

How long does it take for the bot to start trading as the logs I have checked are empty?
Depending on the strategy, the strategy settings and most important, the market. If the prices on the market are not low enough, the GUNBOT will not buy.
Check the log an look for something like:
Code: [Select]
PriceToBuy 33.333 priceToSell --not set--
LP 44.0000000 > prBuy 33.333
That means the GUNBOT wants to buy at 33.333 but the current price is to high (44.000)

Have patience.

Is there any way for me to integrate this into a webserver so I can monitor profit/ losses?

Sure, if you install a webserver and parse the logs and build the webapp to serve the parsed data.
But I think no one has build an easy to install webserver yet.

How can I change bot settings?

Open the 'poloniex-BTC_XXX-config.js' (the file will be empty) and add the settings you want to change.
I'm going to build a tool to do this like generating the configs, but that will take a while.


Select the 512MG Ram option for ~5 running bots, or 1GB for ~10 running bots

running bot means 1 currency pair?

Exactly. But since version 3.2 needs ~100MB RAM at start, I'll reduce that numbers:

Select the 512MB RAM option for ~3 running trade pairs, 1GB for ~8 pairs or 2GB for ~17 pairs

Hello everybody.

Working with version 3.3.2

First of all: Thanks a lot for all the tutorials in this forum, they helped me a lot! And of course thanks to Gunthar for this nice bot!

To have a better understanding of the GUNBOT and to have an easy start using it, I created
1. an installer to only use one command to setup GUNBOT 3.3.2 on a fresh virtual server and
2. a generator to init and start all the trade pair configs I want to use.

From creating a new server at DigitalOcean to let the bot start trading it takes less than 5 min.  :D

I'm new to GUNBOT. So my approach has some downsides - for now ;)

1. The installer only works on Debian / Ubuntu (Choose Ubuntu 16.04.)
2. You need to be root user
3. I recommend a fresh virtual server

1. Only supports trade pairs BTC to XXX
2. You can only change a few settings of the trade pair config
3. The other settings are predefined and very likely not perfect - but a good start

How does it work


The installer is basically a bash script. That script will

- update the system (apt upgrade),
- install node 6.x (for the generator and pm2),
- install required tools (yo, pm2, unzip),
- install the GUNBOT 3.3.2,
- creates some handy aliases,
- install the generator

You can view the whole script here:


The generator is using a tool called yeoman to create the trade pair config files and optionally starts the GUNBOT for the pairs.
It will ask you some questions you need to answer. Like:

- What market do you want to setup (poloniex, bittrex or kraken)
- Your Market API key
- Your Market API secret
- Max amount of BTC used by each pair per trade
- What BUY strategy do you want to use
- What SELL strategy do you want to use
- Questions about the selected strategies
- Your Delays of the Gunbot
- Select the currencies you want to trade
- Select the trade pair currencies you want to automatically start

And than it creates the config files and starts GUNBOT using pm2.


The installer also sets up some aliases to do more with less. :)

- gcd: Go to the folder GUNBOT is installed
- gadd: Use the generator to add a new pair (*)
- gl: Get a list of all running GUNBOTs
- glog [botname or id]: Shows the log of the selected bot (botname = BTC_XXX, use gl to get id)
- gstop [botname or id]: Stops a running bot (botname = BTC_XXX, use gl to get id)
- gstart [botname or id]: Starts a stopped bot (botname = BTC_XXX, use gl to get id)

(*) For now gadd will use the same settings as defined in the first run of the generator. A next version will allow you to set specific strategies for new trade pairs.

Let's do it

1. New VPS. (optional)

I use DigitalOcean a lot, so I can give a brief tutorial:
- Login
- Create Droplet
- Select Ubuntu
- Select the 512MB RAM option for ~3 running trade pairs, 1GB for ~8 pairs or 2GB for ~17 pairs
- Choose San Francisco 2 as location
- Give it a name like 'my-gunbot'
- Click create

Here is an image of the whole creation page:
Next you get an email with the IP address of the new server and a password. Looks like this:
Use SSH to connect to this new server:

Code: [Select]
ssh root@
- Accept the authenticity of the host (enter "yes")
- Set a new root password
- Done

Looks like this:

If you want to create a VPS at DigitalOcean, you can use this affiliate link to get $10 credit at DigitalOcean:
Of course you can use any server you like.

2. Installer

After you connected via ssh to your new server (must be running Debian or Ubuntu) just run this command:

Code: [Select]
curl -qsL | bash -- && exec bash
Two minutes later the installer is done.

3. Generator

Now run this command:

Code: [Select]
Enter your Poloniex API key and the secret, answer the questions and you are done.
Hint for 3.3.2: on a machine with 1GB start 8 or less bots.

You can run 'gl' to see all GUNBOTs.

=> That's it.  :)

Here a screen how it looks like. Depending on your selected strategy and trade pairs, it will look a little bit different.

To access the log of a bot simply enter

Code: [Select]
glog BTC_LTC
Or the id of that bot. In my example I could also just run 'glog 2'.

Maybe this helps some people to get into the GUNBOT.

Additional scripts

"gstop all" and "gstart all" will likely cause 422 or 429 errors on Kraken and Poloniex, so user cw was so kind and wrote two scripts that nicely and safely start and stop all the bots.
You should use them. Please read his post in this thread to add them to your system:
Thanks cw!

Known Errors

ERROR! - There was an error starting GUNBOT for BTC_EXP:

There are 2 possible issues.

The easy one

Type 'gl' and check if the pair you want to start is already running. Would look like this:

If it is in that list and its state is online, type 'gstop BTC_XXX' to stop it before you run 'ginit'.

The nasty one

Sometimes the PM2 God Deamon got detached from your (root-)user and you will see an empty list if you enter 'gl' BUT if you run 'pgrep -f BTC_XXX' you will see a id a result.

So the Gunbot is running but pm2 does not want to see it.

You need to kill the PM2 God Deamon, and remove the content in ~/.pm2/:

Code: [Select]
pgrep -f PM2 | xargs kill -9
Wait like 2 to 5 min till all Gunbots also stopped.
Check if there are running Gunbots
Code: [Select]
pgrep -f gunthyIf the dont stop, also kill them
Code: [Select]
pgrep -f gunthy | xargs kill -9
Now remove the content of ~/.pm2/
Code: [Select]
rm -r ~/.pm2/*
And run run 'ginit' again.


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