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Messages - Nigredo

Pages: [1]
Ok, it looks like this happens only when I call gmon with the -P option enabled. Probably a bug of the "profit" option then (the monitor says that "-P" is bugged, but I though that this would influence only the displayed profit and not the rest too).

This is what I get:

root@Gunbot:/opt/gunbot# npm install -g gunbot-monitor
npm WARN deprecated fs-promise@0.5.0: Use mz or fs-extra^3.0 with Promise Support
/usr/bin/gmon -> /usr/lib/node_modules/gunbot-monitor/src/index.js
└── gunbot-monitor@0.0.38

There is no mention of "commander@2.10.0".

I am experiencing a strange problem with the monitor lately.

When I start it everything seems to be fine. After that, the monitor is not really updated: The time displayed in the "LL" column continues to increase, indicating that the monitor is not accessing the last log available. If I open the logs in the /opt/gunbot folder manually (using vim, for instance) I can see that everything is up to date and the logs are being correctly written to the files. gmon is being called from the correct folder.

These are my 2cents on a couple of features that I really would like to see on the gunbot.

Keep track of phantom buys
I don't know if this happens also on Kraken/Bittrex, but sure it does in Poloniex and that's a problem:
Sometimes the gunbot places an order, but it doesn't get fulfilled because the market swings during the bot lag. The result is that there is an open buy/sell order on Poloniex. The problem is that, in this situation, the bot thinks that the order took place, for instance:
  • The bot buys, say, 3 XRP at some price X .
  • While the order is being placed the price increases to Y, so Poloniex registers an open buy order for 3 XRP at price X that cannot be fulfilled anymore.
  • The bot thinks it has 3XRP now and acts accordingly, but this is not true since the buy order is still on hold!

This is a problem because these "phantom orders" effectively lock some part of our money for nothing: When there is an open order poloniex doesn't allow to use the money placed on that order elsewhere, so we are actually wasting resources for other useful transactions!

A nice feature would be some form of autodetection for this, such that the bot automatically cancels orders that are not fulfilled and have been placed on hold.

Express the money to use in transactions as a percentage of the total balance
Many people already requested this. The idea is being able to tell gunbot "invest xxx% of my balance on every transaction". In this way we don't have to manually adjust how much we are investing as our balance increases/decreases. Every, say, 24 hours, the bot should calculate the total balance in bitcoin (considering open positions too), calculate the user defined percentage and invest that amount of money in every transaction for the next 24 hours. Then the cycle repeats.

Soft stop
This is paramount, expecially now that a probable bitcoin fork is approaching and it will probably not be wise to do any trade in the beginning of August.
To my understanding, at the moment the only way to stop the bot is to do it manually. After that, one has to manually close all the open transactions the bot made, that is, one has to manually reconvert some coins the bot bought to bitcoin. This is crazy, also because it most likely screws the work the bot does! A "soft stop" feature would work like this: The bot stops making any new transactions and keeps following only the open ones. It proceeds closing the open transactions following the specified strategy as it would have done normally. In this way, within usually 24-48h all the transactions made by the bot should be closed, and one can stop the bot safely. This feature could be implemented also in the gunbot monitor to make the managment of many different pairs not a pain.

Let me know what do you think!

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