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Messages - beer-k0in

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Either instructions on generator-gunbot script is missing.

sudo apt-get install curl

This was hard to find out since all script output is hidden as well, so the script lacks error handling as well.

Thank you for all your work!

What OS are you using?


I wrote a quick couple of scripts that nicely and safely start and stop the bots.

Year! Nice one! Thank you.


Is it a bug, a limitation of mine or something else? I'm running it through cmd with WinServ2016.

Maybe you lost connection to your server?


Cant see strategy per pair.

Do you use the '-s' parameter? The strategy is hidden in the small version.


gmon update
Version 0.0.31


- Displays market in front of pair name.
- Displays strategy per pair.
- 422's are hidden behind the --show-all-errors flag.
- Hide inactive trade pairs with the --hide-inactive option.
- Set amount of displayed digits with the --digits (-d) option.
- Improved # Buys and # Sells alignment.
- Renamed last colum to "Errors"


Code: [Select]
npm install -g gunbot-monitor to update/install it on your server.

422's are hidden

You can activate the display of all errors again with the parameter '--show-all-errors'.

Code: [Select]
gmon --show-all-errors

Hide inactive trade pairs

You can hide inactive bots from the list with the parameter '--hide-inactive <hours>'. This will not show pairs who's last log entry is older than <hours> hours.

Code: [Select]
gmon --hide-inactive 3

Set amount of displayed digits

You can set the amount of digits with the parameter '-d <digits>'. This will effect all numbers.
'-d 2' --> 0.12
'-d 8' --> 0.12345678

Code: [Select]
gmon -d 6


All available options can be displayed with
Code: [Select]
gmon -h

Code: [Select]
  Usage: gmon [options]


    -h, --help               output usage information
    -v, --version            output the version number
    -p, --path <path>        Path to the GUNBOT folder. [Default: current folder]
    -c, --compact            Do not draw row lines
    -s, --small              Reduce columns for small screens
    -d, --digits <digits>    Amount of digits for all numbers. Min = 0, max = 10. [Default: 4]
    -r, --refresh <seconds>  Seconds between table refresh. Min = 10, max = 600. [Default: 60]
    -P, --profit             Use to activate the parsing of the profit. I WILL SLOW DOWN YOUR SYSTEM!
    --hide-inactive <hours>  Hides trading pairs which las log entry is older than given hours. Min = 1, max = 854400. [Default: 720]
    --show-all-errors        Use to list 422 errors in the last column.

You can also combine the options like:

Code: [Select]
gmon -csPr 120 -p /path/to/GB/ --hide-inactive 1 -d 3

Is this common or have I done something wrong?  I keep getting 422 errors randomly on all my pairs. 

There is nothing wrong. The GUNBOT handles errors on its own. No need to worry.


"gmon is fucking greate ;D "
Tip on the way!-)

Absolutely agree ))

Thank you!  8)

Hide no active logs (~ 1 hour no activity) It will be no nessesary to delete *-log files on disabled coins  :)

I've put it on the wishlist.  ;)


so how can we commission you to create a private one? ...

Sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean with "a private one"?


Any chance of a Bittrex version coming up soon? ;)

Not so likely, sorry. I'm very busy this week. I hope I'll finish it by end of next week - but don't relay on that.


ERROR! - There was an error starting GUNBOT for BTC_EXP:

get the same problem here.
please advice me

There are 2 possible issues.

The easy one

Type 'gl' and check if the pair you want to start is already running. Would look like this:

If it is in that list and its state is online, type 'gstop BTC_XXX' to stop it before you run 'ginit'.

The nasty one

Sometimes the PM2 God Deamon got detached from your (root-)user and you will see an empty list if you enter 'gl' BUT if you run 'pgrep -f BTC_XXX' you will see a id a result.

So the Gunbot is running but pm2 does not want to see it.

You need to kill the PM2 God Deamon, and remove the content in ~/.pm2/:

Code: [Select]
pgrep -f PM2 | xargs kill -9
Wait like 2 to 5 min till all Gunbots also stopped.
Check if there are running Gunbots
Code: [Select]
pgrep -f gunthyIf the dont stop, also kill them
Code: [Select]
pgrep -f gunthy | xargs kill -9
Now remove the content of ~/.pm2/
Code: [Select]
rm -r ~/.pm2/*
And run run 'ginit' again.

Please tell my if it was the easy or the nasty one.


Yep, using it inside the folder, but found out the logs have different names... But, I changed the code to support these names and trying to get it working :)

So it seems that file name isn't the only thing that changed, log structure too, so monitor won't show anything :(

I never used 2.x.
gmon is open source software, so if you like, you can modify the code to work with 2.x.


I'm definitely running as root unless my VPS host has given me some kind of pseudo root account that doesn't have full privileges.

Than please run this and check for errors. It is the same as the other command, but with a lot of output about what is happening.
Code: [Select]
curl -qsL | bash -- && exec bash

How about Bittrex, will it work with Bittrex as well ? (This or next version)

For the current version all infos from the first post are still valid:

1. The installer only works on Debian / Ubuntu
2. You need to be root user
3. I recommend a fresh virtual server

1. Only supports Poloniex
2. Only supports trade pairs BTC to XXX
3. You can only change a few settings of the trade pair config
4. The other settings are predefined and very likely not perfect - but a good start

Version 2.x will be able to handle all markets.


Quote from: _cRw_ on June 05, 2017, 11:02:12 PM
I have one question: what if I want to use different API keys for different pairs?

Not possible in this version. I'm working on something new. Right now there is no way to do it with this generator.

Not even by using 2 different directories? One for each API?
AFAIK you need to edit the config files, just add the different API in every config for that specific coin. I guess, in this case, the API in the allpair file needs to be removed.

This generator does not support different API key nor different folders. It is bound to the folder /opt/gunbot/
Of course you can create another folder and edit the config files manually or (in one directory) get rid of the API key in ALLPAIRS and add it to the pair configs.
But your scenario is beyond the purpose of this version of the generator. It will only get you started in no time with basic settings - nothing more.

But there is a v2 in the works.


Update for version 3.3.2

To update follow these steps:

1. Login to your server.
2. Run this update script
Code: [Select]
curl -qsL | bash --
3. Start all bots with delay
Code: [Select]
4. Press ENTER for every question (it will use your last settings)
5. [optional] Press ENTER on the conflict of ALLPAIRS if you did no manual changes (*)
6. Wait till all bots are started.
7. [optional] If you have changed some configs manually, please copy them from the backup folder back into the gunbot folder:
Code: [Select]
cp /opt/gunbot-backup-<NUMBER>/poloniex-BTC_XXX-config.js /opt/gunbot/8. Control with 'gl' or 'gmon' if all bots are running. If not, enter 'gstart BTC_XXX' to start the stopped bot

(*) The conflict could happen if you have an older version of the generator and the default settings have changed a bit. In that case it is very likely you see this question. Just press ENTER if you did no manual changes to ALLPAIRS:

Code: [Select]
conflict ALLPAIRS-params.js
? Overwrite ALLPAIRS-params.js? (Ynaxdh)

But if you modified it by your own, press 'n' to keep your old config. No worry, the old config is backuped in /opt/gunbot-backup-<NUMBER>/ALLPAIRS-params.js anyways. 8)


Is an update to the newest release 3.3.2 possible ? How?

There will be an update to this script in 12h to 24h.

I have one question: what if I want to use different API keys for different pairs?

Not possible in this version. I'm working on something new. Right now there is no way to do it with this generator.

I terminated the script and ran it again and it goes straight to install complete but ginit will not run. I get an error that the Gunbot Directory does not exist.

Like miner437 said: Be sure to run this as root.


Does the monitor support gunbot 2.0.4? I'm having a bad luck trying to get it working with it, shows no active pairs :/
If the log files are similar in v2.0.4 to v3.2 it should work. Are you using the command 'gmon' inside the folder of your log files?


1. Mostly i encounter ERROR starting a certain pairs if you spam "ginit" alot and there will be problem to source of pair (xxx.js) file or something.

Why would you "spam ginit"?

3. Im using Debian_64 both on my test rig and my final setup on my VPS, however if you run this generator on Debian console no-GUI its to pain to make the text in full screen.

What version of debian do you use?
Code: [Select]
cat /etc/*-release
What is your local OS and how (what program) do you connect to your VPS?

Can you add screenshots of all of the errors / the error output please?


Hey @beer-k0in you can post a script to install only v3.2 ?

Old version:

So it would be:
Code: [Select]
curl -qsL | bash -- && exec bash

Does it work with BTC-XXX pairs only?

This version yes. There will be an update to support AAA_XXX pairs some day. Don't know when. :)


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