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Messages - evmann86

Pages: [1]
Technical Support & Development / Re: Preventing 422 Errors
« on: June 20, 2017, 07:00:09 PM »
An idea I had, unsure of the feasibility or difficulty of implementing, but I thought I'd share anyway. Posted this in the Telegram earlier:

I assume that every period, GUNBOT makes a call to Polo for price information and then stores that locally on the machine where GUNBOT is being run. But what if that info was able to be shared, so that not every GUNBOT instance had to always be calling to Polo to get price? They could call to a GUNBOT server instead, to get more reliable and contant price updates?

So, the order would be this: GUNBOT calls to GBServer for price updates. If GBserver's price is not up to date, GUNBOT attempts a call to Polo, and if successful, shares that info w/ GBserver so that the next instance of GUNBOT can take advantage of that info w/o hitting the Polo server again. Buys would still obv. have to be placed directly to Polo but price queries would not always have to be.

So, each GUNBOT instance would be helping to keep the GBServer updated. The GBserver itself could make price calls as well. Someone else (Nibaru) then commented that: "or, probably more efficient is to just subscribe to the websocket ticker. GB server would get pushes automatically."

Anyway, just my two cents, I am a new GUNBOT user and it seems the 422s have really put a damper on the experience. I wasn't here before to see what it was like. I know that Gunthar is working on his own solution to the 422s, so here's to him for all of his hard work.


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