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Author Topic: autoconfig-pairvariables.json  (Read 7275 times)

Offline Tulpmania

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« on: January 11, 2021, 09:06:29 PM »
I am trying to understand the use of the file autoconfig-pairvariables.json.

As i understand it should be populated with the outcome of the variables from autoconfig scripts. I see the outcome passing by on the console log, but they do not apppear in the autoconfig-pairvariables.json

This is the script I am running

"JOB 110112 to set vairable USDT-BTC mfi": {
        "pairs": {
            "exclude": "",
            "include": "USDT-BTC",
            "exchange": "kraken"
        "filters": {
            "always pass": {
                "type": "biggerThan",
                "baseBalance": -1
        "overrides": {},
        "clearOverrides": false,
        "schedule": "*/5 * * * *",
        "type": "manageOverrides",
        "setITB": false,
        "debug": true,
        "muteTG": false,
        "enabled": true,
        "setVariable": {
            "var_btc_mfi": " this.pair.mfi"
        "setPairVariable": {}

Any idea how i can get these variables into that file ? Or is this not the idear behind this