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Topics - kalintri

Pages: [1]
Hi Guys,
I am running GB 702 on the latest Raspbian and I am trading on Binance. I have encountered the following situation.
Yesterday at some point the bot bought TRX, then about 15 minutes later it bought again. Both trades are at my maximum trading limit of 0.0021BTC so they are not part of the same order and I do not have Double Up enabled.
The bot is running TSSLSTEPGAIN.

I was under the impression that the bot will wait to sell an alt coin before it buys again.
I am attaching here a screenshot from the Binance app which shows the orders.

I am also not running multiple instances of Gunbot. I only have Binance license and one Raspberry Pi and here is the output of the processes containing "gunthy" in the name:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ps aux | grep gunthy
pi        6430  0.2  0.4  15572  4580 pts/0    Sl+  08:04   0:00 tclsh8.6 /usr/bin/unbuffer ./gunthy-arm
pi        6432  1.5  3.1  79060 29708 pts/1    Ssl+ 08:04   0:00 ./gunthy-arm
pi        6442 18.9  8.3 158288 78932 pts/1    Sl+  08:04   0:07 /home/pi/Gunbot/gunthy-arm /snapshot/Gunbot-master/index.js
pi        6491  0.0  0.0   4372   592 pts/2    S+   08:04   0:00 grep --color=auto gunthy
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

If I stop the GB all these processes disappear and when I restart it the same processes appear again.
I am running the GB with the unbuffer command because I am recording the logs, hence the unbuffer process above.

Please let me know if you have seen something like this before and what could explain it?



Pages: [1]