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Messages - anarcotech

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Hello from newbie
« on: June 08, 2017, 09:46:15 PM »
Hello Gunners.

I'm new, and about to get into the Gunbot world. Been trading mine and others money on polo and kraken for a while now, and keen to get some life back, as all I've seen for the last month has been charts and screens and fib retracements. Seems like a much better idea to let Gunbot do the work 24/7.

And having had a good look at some of the posts, the community seems full of nice people! So hope to be a part of it.

I've got my vps set up, gunbot 3.3 installed (just waiting to speak to Gun about paying for my license keys, as I want 2 of them, and a spreadsheet). As soon as I have them i'm off and running!

So I have a few questions I'd love to ask and see what sort of answers I get.

1) I'm running gunbot 3.3 smart edition on my Windows Server 2016 VPS. Would anyone recommend NOT doing this?

2) I have 2 trading accounts, one a polo and one at Kraken. In the Kraken account I have about 0.3BTC. In the Polo account I have about 14BTC. I was planning on starting on the Kraken one and just seeing how it worked, before letting it loose on the Polo account. Does anyone think this is pointless/rubbish strategy or sensible?

3) What sort of returns can you realistically expect from continuous trading. I saw one set of charts that seemed to be showing an approximate return of about 3.5% per day, but I'm gathering that this may be a high return. What sort of daily/weekly/monthly returns are you getting from your Gunbot?

4) What strategies are others using? I'm going to do some testing, and will happily post back my results here to the community.

Thanks guys, hope to make your acquaintance soon!

Peace from the UK!

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