As I'm a GBN (GunBotNewbie) I can come up with (= I have) a number of questions to start filling the FAQ, on some questions I think I've found the answer

so here it goes (in random order).
- Q: Is there a command line option for the gunbot.exe (on the windows platform) to start gunbot with a list of currency pairs?
- Q: In the GUNBOT.EXE, when I load the config for a pair, and I start the gunbot for that pair, it seems to be working on a previous pair instead of the chosen pair
- - A: Always safe the pair before starting the gunbot. The gunbot process takes the config from config.js, which is updated only when you save the pair currently visible in the gunbot settings window.
- Q: What is the difference of running a currency pair with the same settings, with the gunbot.exe or supergun.exe
at the bottom of the FAQ, maybe a list of error codes and explanation?
- Q: What does this error code mean : statusCode 422
-- A: This is an error from Poloniex. You will see this error once in a while. As long as you don't see this error continuously, it will not interfere with the bot's activity. If you see this error the first time you run gunbot, it may be a problem with your API key
- Q: What does this error code mean : statusCode 403
-- A: This may indicate a problem with the Poloniex API system, the API system may be overloaded, or the API key you are using is not authorized, or you are using an incorrect secret
that is it for now
Feel free to update the text or correct my answers